From: Angela Cook <> Date: September 22, 2015 9:11:41 PM EDT |
Le~t a/u's l~aye t(h)is sw/H~ea.t(0/n)e s(h)e.g. g t(h)at g~ave = H~av~e/n ew/e~s/t/e no com-mon- e-man- 0-re- w-h-om-b-an-al-l- W/(h)as~t (e) c0/m bi/n e d gi've n (t)d's~ no "man" and no "woman" h/ave combined to give us g'sus se/en 0w/e in st/e a.d.e "man" and "woman" fe-(e)-d-ing on the p-(l-)at-e- of the L-aw- has not yielded "jesus christ" too the day t, ex (t)~cept, on-e-ve-r-ye-0n-e-t-hat-e-pr-0-claims-i-e-vain-d's- gaye' A s t~wist mer r~ye woman, a-re/nt hap pi, that is why k-i'm- c-le-aves- too the l-aw- (without L0~ve 2 be & bu n t0~0'le d en'~s 0le -&- pen-all-i-ze(s)d-0-le- this is just a sic-k- twishted g-am-e- and k-im-e-d-ave-vice- sickens me to day t 0/n eve r ye b/0~d ye s p(l)ay t |
w/- |
be(e)'~si' de'~s ig.h c/ar(e)~r~ye t'h'e w/(h)e ' l~l and kn0we b0dy has l~aid 'h' 0n e m(e)ye. g. g. c~r/e~a/t(e)~i'v(i)e l~l ye sPea.k i/n g/rate by e. g.rate every single egg ie = a thought in 0rigin on-ly-e- diminished- per t my ap-paul-o-g(-u-)ye- & - eve-r(y)-one-t-hat-sup-por-t-s-hi'-m-(e)ye-d-e- |
can't ape what isn't here ve/n d's end's ave t/c art a w/*h*ear e st 0p c-an-s-ave-t-0-rig-in-a-p0-st-c-a/rd-0le-g-0/0-n-e-co-n-fid/ent-i-al/la-p.r.aise-d-'saw-e-d-0f-un in f0r med's he said-rug'-s(h)ed-r-i've-(s)t-0r-e-t00-the-n-eve-r-end's- a re all ap~e ll a me ll in t ru(e) st (e) c~0/m bin e m/u st e a re all ap~e d/0nt with g-un-'s-et-a-m0-re-r0/de-0-d-0w-e-d- us-t-00-the-s-say-e-T-c0/m-e- f0ra w/(h)at~t ap/ass 0/f t l ye 0s 0/n' sum e ye 0/f/f~t d/0wn g l.0ve & g0~ve in st/e a.d. 0/ve a.d. e m0/ve 0n's 0/m~e n~0~u/g*h ten 0/f/f e/ars ew/e in g(l)0ve t(h)and r~aw/(h) ea. t at('sus~)tain~able in/n 0~f/f re(e)ly e.g.0/n e a.d. as 0ne b/0n~e c0/m i/n g'~sees eve r ye(s) 0/wn & g0/d e/b t/a~g/0wn e in c~0/me in g/r0und'~s 0/le 0/we(')d'~st/e~a. l~l00king (l)int 0 w/(h)it' all's~0w/e. g.0/(.a).d just b.c.~f r/i end's 0 ft' all's 0~w/k~en d/g 0/a.d. p/ass/e`(e) deed 'd0f' fi/n ten t~i0n(e)ally "a-w/"al-l0-ft- and' saw/(h)it 0/f/fe at(e/a)c*h~all(ice)*up an/d ta/k~(e) n0~(w/)te t(hr)0 w/(h)inge~s h0 w/ing's c/ar(e)r/ye re.g.r0w/ing f/a(i)r e X i/s T ance 0 pen w/(h)i'de gl.0w/(e)in~c 0 vet (h)d ay Tg 0 all (ea) den's~0w/e~e ken(d)'s can b(e)l~l 0w/~e ta' ll e t~h0rn b(e) l~l 0we~e c/c0/m~p(L)ea t a.(d.) k/n0/w/~e b/ran~(2)c 'h'ie f/t re e.g.0 p/L~aye. g.0 (p.s.ue can't pla(gu)e g/rass on the r/ass you k/n~0wn si' e ve/n' s/0w/(h/e)n d's e.g.~l0w/in g'~see d ay T abl ea. d.e |
s~an~(d')s i`/n e p./r. 0'le a.d. en~t c(h)at~c(h) in/g~ |
L0 w/(H)0~L(e) 0/b~serve (t)d'~s en d's el~l 0w/(h)e t~(au)g~h t' g0 a.d. en kn0w/~e l~l e A ven 0.~f/f~e i r~0ne |
From: Angela Cook <> Date: September 23, 2015 1:06:06 AM EDT To: "" <> |
di's-"liked-'s-p.-r.-0ut-en-(t)-d's-ag-gain-n-0n-e-dire-erection-e-sel-f-con'sc-i-o-u/s-l-ie-d-(e)-'s-0/n-g- |
t(h)e t-ea.p i.d. p-rig-(t)h-t- may ke the 'i' c~ar/(e)r~ye w/h~0'le A ve/n~s(h)0w~e d~rug "verse-sus" d-rug- p0-p-e/a.-l-an-d-p-ill-augh-t- the scene on the unseen s0/n~g ist 0/ne f~un ny e t 0uch (e) d0/f/f~e i/r0ne ye |
s0w/(h)e nature ally e s~0we
s0w/(h)e nature ally e s~0we be g0t be gave be get be have be gad & be g0t ten 0n/e ven d's = playing the sa.m.e g a.m. e (a.d.) just in a different directi0n e (h)a.d. b/rain (even when sleeping got game f®ame)
(a.d.) just in a different directi0n e (h)a.d
(a.d.) just in a different directi0n e(hem i ah)a.d;) |
0n e my e.g.'~s (e/e) c/r~ew/e 0n e my e.g.'~s (e/e) c/r~ew/e l~le due tu`
From: Angela Cook <> Date: September 25, 2015 6:43:56 PM EDT To: "" <> |
W/h~0r(e)a re s~t/0r(e)~a. w/(h)in/n 's t/e a.d.e |
atmo~h |
so i figured if the calculations of my h demonstrate too the d/ate i can take the h away on the 2d plane = pro tec~h t~i0n e ironically e t/00 the bin(e)a.ry e b~in/e m(e)ye th~0/wn e ye A s/t e r~ay e.g.~g ear e t(h)ear~th/r~0ne
& i/f~i (g) t(h) e m0t(h)er e s(h)ip('s) (h)as~t landed fast~e ye t~h0/use the way e t00 th(ea) d/ate & t00 th~r(ea)d / ate~ar~n(e a)ll y e
turn the turn, b/ac/k~ going f0reward 0/0ve t(h)en 0/f/f/
binary code i think for computers is a series of 1 and 0 = the binary L~an/g u ag~e n0se t (00) t (h0)ne & tw/h0 set(h) c0mf0r t ably~e/a~r ev/e/lati0n'~s0/n e & s0/m e 0'~saw e d~awn 0nt
i can ac/c0(u)nt f0re the 'n0n' apparently e sP0 ken e by e the f~0le verse-sus-"fold" w/- e- di-vi-s's-i0n-e- t (h) is (e) t(h)e way et'~s w/het ~ s't/0n~e di vi~n/e~
i don't like "old" b-old- etc- instinctively i have constructed my language to yield a present (participle) re t'earn e(ye) a~ll~ye w/h~al(l)e(y)e = w/hale & w/h~all eye t00 the c0/as~t/e
i "fold" i take int0 my f'0le s0/m = like this t0/0 & st/e~w/e d the m0/0n = m0/n e w/e cc L~e/a r~0ne
as it is, i think of my own pa-i-n's i have "lived-ea-d-" apparently "with" to date, that n-ever-end's- and it is because n0 0n e ye is accountable at n0/0n = b/r0ad~aye LL ig~ht (h)as~t/e (&) n0 0n b/ec(h')0/(s)me n0/n e
basically i f0l (e) d n0 0ne in2 binarye (A) st/e set~h/r~e t'earn (e a) l~l ye pre sent l ye & d~ie the y(i)e~L(0~r)d = the l0w/(h) r0/(a.)d. by e s~h0 r~t yes eye t(h)m~arr0w e b/0n~e
f reel ye = f(r)u i/t i 0n 'syn/the int u i~t i/0n's et/he fxf r/0m~e
intuition is the fruit fu l~l ness increasing (like a f'0/le in re t'ea(r~n a.) t/u~r e/a. l~l y e w/e s~lee p~i/t(h)e (d) L~ye
in your dreams you can't speak and have no use of an H apparent ly e that is also why i think "revelations" is simply "peoples" nightmares e"X" posed in "b-r0-ad-ay-e-l-l-i/g-ht-" making a -b/in-e-a-r/-ye- mistake w/ no 0n e apparently to be accountable among "you-r" "s0/n-e-"
n0se (t/h~e*) n0se *e ver ye t h/in~g (e)0/d~e w/h(ea)t in g's~le/e p
i can stop the 'h' f/r0m speaking i/n r(ea.)d. i/n g = reducing the "din/n" for n0 re as 0/n~e se a.s 0/n(e) a.l~l ye.
in a way t0 part the h/aves = w/h0 speaks b/r~ave t~00 t/h ave b~i/n(e)a.r~ye c0d.e set~h(r)0ne~ and with an ironic eye put a d/ea.t 2 at 0ne 'h' ea.r~e
the language i have formed i's intuiti0n e t0 fxfruiti0n e f/r0m e f/(r)~a.m.e & ra(i)me me (0)nt eye w/(h)ave t(h)e'~s0/n e s0/m (f/r0m s0 0m = sum/(r)e a.d.)'~s/0p. r/i'm~e in~ sign i/fi can t like c~0nt u` p~0nt
ra(i)m(e)ment eye see c~l0~ t0/g~t(h0/u)s/e/e~d/ate t00 the re lay T ea.m~e d~e/n'~s0/n an/d's~0/m in t(h)e n* 0 pen an/d'~s 0p up 0nt m 0nt with Ue in i(g*h)t g/r~ace fxf u l~l (e) ye t00 t(h)e re t'ea.rn a l~l ye dna. d.'s a.d.d e ye is 0 fi/n~e t00 the re t'ea.rn 0/ne a.c.~h = you are the c 2 see and se/ L and se/L~L 0n(t)g 0 p~ass e g~as/s mi le X 's~mi le a.d. 0/ne ye d0~0/ve
ra(i)m(e)ment eye see c~l0~ t0/g~t(h0/u)s/e/e~d/ate t00 the re lay T ea.m~e d~e/n'~s0/n an/d's~0/m in t(h)e n* 0 pen an/d'~s 0p up 0nt m 0nt with Ue in i(g*h)t g/r~ace fxf u l~l (e) ye t00 t(h)e re t'ea.rn a l~l ye dna. d.'s a.d.d e ye is 0 fi/n~e t00 the re t'ea.rn 0/ne a.c.~h = you are the c 2 see and se/ L and se/L~L 0n(t)g 0 p~ass e g~as/s mi le X 's~mi le a.d. 0/ne ye d0~0/v(i)e w/(h)e tp~assing t'ear~n (ey)a. l~l e de (n*0w/e) serve ye A st/e t(h/y)0ne
ra(i)m(e)ment eye see c~l0~ t0/g~t(h0/u)s/e/e~d/ate t00 the re lay T ea.m~e d~e/n'~s0/n an/d's~0/m in t(h)e n* 0 pen an/d'~s 0p up 0nt m 0nt with Ue in i(g*h)t g/r~ace fxf u l~l (e) ye t00 t(h)e re t'ea.rn a l~l ye dna. d.'s a.d.d e ye (th0u)se ed 0(le) fi/n~e = i per si eve the cullling and killing of dolphins in japan for ? e? could reasonable b/reached with absolute ly e k/n0/w/(h)eave n* that their is no virtue in killing an anima-l-l-e x p0(se)d
le x : the animal can't speak to defend it sel~l f i/s (h)ing 0/ne ye t(h)0/ne anima-l's and women's -p-(l)ay-e- w/(h)it h0/u(th) 0/m e w/(h)e n/d 0w/(h)e 0n'~s e.g. 0~0 d ye th0u~s/e ed e.g0/d 's~aye
w/(h)it h0/u(th) 0/m e w/(h)e n/d 0w/(h)e 0n'~s e.g. 0~0 d ye th0u~s/e ed e.g0/d 's~aye T 0/ne b/r0 a.d.e 0 g/g i/n/n e'ye
the feeling with the person last night that reminded me of my sister debbie, it was like pers0n(e) : i felt i could take what i new of my sister departed and pre face her every whit similar on the person standing in front of me and it brought a peace familiarly e
they stayed after their lice check yielded no sum to worry on, and her husband, don't know, the person she was with, took selfies with min0, and suggested min0 could be a therapy dog, and i expressed, yes. he loves to drape on you, and he has such an affectionate way T, ender ye
i have lost an inch off my hips, which makes me think of w/h~i.p's = the internet is a great way for w/h~0me/n (e) can e re lay T w/e ' d/ate
the distinction, per my tg lan(d)guage is the contraction, the ch0ice' set/he w/ay T 2 T'ear~n i/g* ht a/c t u` al~ly e = k i'll (ea.)d. = L(0~R)D e/b t00 the w/(h)ea.ven'~s mi le 's lay e t00 & fxf/ r0m an/ d's ~ 0/n ne~t m~aye/k~e e w/hey~e w/k~i'll aye w/e 'd~0/ve v(e)/in e a.r~e tu` de all 0/ne~
t m~aye/k~e(y)ep~ ew/(h)e~ye w/k~i'll aye w/e 'd~0/ve v(e)/in e a.r~e tu` de all 0/ne~ p~ew/e t(h)as t/e a.m~et it's f~re a.d. 0/m e t00 the w/het's~i/r (e) vi v~(e)a. l~l e t00 the may/ke w/(h)e~ye t 0 gAi/n/n~s i` lent (h)0 as~t/e ye A s/t ere s0l~i.d. h~aw/(h)e d/g~e/z's~0/n an/d'~s0/m e t'ea.r~n a.d.(en)0w/(h)0 me
w/h0 me = 's e thr 0ne. g.(l)0ve d's~L/0 ve n l~yea. l~l's~0w/(h)ea.l(l)t~h ye th0/u(se the re t'ear~n an0~w/e n0m. at/te r a w/het~her- "say e's-ap-p-arent-l-ye-"
e ye th0/use (a.nd'*)set h0/me tu'de the sa.m.e tu` ne in ar/e a.r~se a.s 0/n e *e a.nd* in this case d0uble fruit fu~l~l in~c/r~ea.s i/n~g* 0/n e~ t00 th*e f/r0m~e all's~0we ' d(e)g~(r)ass ee h0 e t i'll ea.rn~a.m.e ve/in~n's~
i had a weird image in my mind when i slept last night, it was last(r)ing there was a rope and it had a knot at the end of it, and it was hung vertically and gladly to my eyes, "people" would pull on the rope, and the lope came undone, as there wasn't a knot on the other end, so i guess i posed in my mind the other way, what if the-y-e- put the knot on the bottom of the Li.d. (the vi pe/r d/en~0we) the-y- couldn't close the "Li.d." and i percieved "you" can't have it both ways in free d 0/m~e like you are independent in earning your "w/hat-e-ve/r-t-hr-u-de-" by being g-rass or not caring or narcissistically painting your face and image in a f-as/h-i-0n-e- (c/r-ea/t-in-g-a-w/-has-t-e-)
basically the image was painting that if you pull on the knot that doesn't have a knot on the other end, the knot and rope fall thru the plane net too the plain 0nt 00 the re t'earn ea. l~l ye s e.g. a w/h~ey e
first glan(d)ce, they-e- can t cl0se their m0uth or 0 pe nit. they can t e(a) m0~t i0n e ye a./t e
which segues to lice and nits, as we use h/ea/t 2 make the nit eggs from lice unviable, by dehydrating them from being able to s0/we 0n e
apparently in capable freedom, which i question as nothing feeds on the lice, on your head and only on your head, it lives on the blood, of your head, and not an animal, and it serves no ecological purpose to re purpose set 2 you
in a way the image reminded me of what i am looking for in a special hand t0 0le d e/b t0 0 le a/t (h)e/r e purse g. ag~reed per e per's~0/n e t00 t(h)ea.(d) 2 may/ke in k/in~e t~i c/all's~0w/e~g.(u/y)0 t0 g~ether e a.d.'s e.g. 0/d e/b t (h)r u e & tre~e ve/n l~ye s~et/h in k/n0/w/(h)inge st/(e)~a.t'e a.m.~may/ke & l(l) ta w/(h)e~ye p*(l/ace d/i) a.(i)d. = displaced person paid in a.d. vance h0 2 v(i)ew/(h)e n's (h)0re in/n re c0/g~ni/t~i 0n e
& the Lie-0n ~0w/e l~l aye s~ lee p~d/0wn ew/e's et~he new'e~syn/the* f/r~a.(i)m.e w/(h)it's~end's e.g. a w/(h)ay e t00 the p~a.d. in/n 0nt i/n t~e re st/e s~a.(i)d. e fi/n(n)~e' s~et/he a.rt~h's~w/h~ea~t re t'ear/n e'a. l~l 2 0' h~a l~l 0 w/e ar t(h)0u~ (t)'s~e a.s 0/n e tu` b/ea.t/i~tu`de's~0/n~ne/t' s~0/n an/d 's~0/m eye~
c h/ange the ca.m. er a 2 be th(r)0ne c~2 set/h(g)r00m
camera in italian = room and what we see~p/l~ace is not re all ye s0w/e just saying what wee see apparently and see p i/n e all g/lan~d's lee p it/he
verse pi-t-ye-th0-u/-s-e.(e)g.-a-way-
i am leaving for work. thanks, for the virtual hug, as my head doesn't her/t any more ;)
ps the thing i learned is if some "one" were to speak "on"-e- me, they would also lose their apparently t-rite -2- speak with n0/n e pre sent ev/e in/n~
its a way e t00 the/m a p/part the w/hat is (i) re all ye w/(h)ea.r a.d. dressing the. g./0wn e tu' m~m(e)ye t/(h)ere ars e.g.' s0l i.d. m0/n t~p 0nt~c 0nt 'st 0p 0nt
ps stars are binary, revolving around each other makes the twinkle like the way i right fole d's and t~w/(h)rights f/r0m a (pp)f~a(i)re ye t0/0' see k w/e l~l ea.rn~A ll e ye
w/(h)it 'se(e) c0/n 's0/n 's0/m an/d's 0~(ap)p
From: Subject: Welcome to Pandora! Date: September 26, 2015 10:50:04 AM EDT To: |
s(h)e.g. t'ea.r/n e c~r 0s/s0 di vi de d's~0w/(h0)e & 0 pen t~(c/L/h)ask p t junk et clasp hasp asp *"tj"= t-ra(i)d-e-r-j-0-e-s- based on the junket they have given no rope, while in employmenT -w/-h0-h0-h0-p-e- |
le t's e get this if you h-at-e-on-e-me-ye- w/your c-(h)ap-s-t-ick-e(y)e-per-v-i-ew/e-- i will remind you that the sure/face of your mouth and anus are the s a.m.e compositionally e, and when you s(-h-)it-e ve/n 0 pen, you will w/(H)ear you w/(h)0r~t/h terse 2 (t)'ea.c~(h)i's~(t)0wn & cyst as t-ryst-and-t-ruck'~s par(e)ring t(h)rue st('s)~e l~l 0ve t0/day t w/(h)it per e v(i)ew/e |
s~0/d e a. l~l a r/0 und~'s~un d~0/n~e ve/(i)n 0.g./ e based by e your e ap/par(e)n t de si` r~e (i)n~0 pen (t)d's~0w/(h)ing(e)s~i/n~g'~s0/n g~i've in~g/r~a.c.e 0 ful~ly e t0/g~ether e (a.) ft e/r~e m~e d~ye n d's~ as/s~en d's~ |
a/u~r/a. m.~a.(i)d.e (a.)l~l t/a~t(h)e.g.(h)~ave ve(i)n'~s/0we in ten t~i 0n e b/rig~h(t)d' s~end's~as p/b~f/0/u/r~e s/t~0r~e.g. grass p~ hue |
"technically" speaking there is no "king bee" in nature...a.d. just say~in/n c~0/p~i' l~l0t a r(e/)i~g* ht m.0~r/e n ta l~l 0~ve in/n~0/f/f~e(e)d~en 's~en d's 0/n e re a.d.e~r (e)a. w/(h)are b/u/y~e se(a.)l~l an~d w/(h)e (') l~l = the 'h' you b~e in re all i t~ye p~meaning ful~l ye t00 the p.r.0's~e(e) d~e/n'~sel~ly~e A/s~t/e... se/t/he (be/t/he~ll~e)m : the c0 pi l0t i/s t~may/ke. ve/n e Mis's~Ta/ke~n t00 th(e/a.)d~ate 2 be~e's~P0~k/e~n ta.d. b~(0)u(t) m(e) 0n~e ye t in t i'm e~r~(e)a.~d.('s)i/c~e & s~lice w/(h)en k~n0w/e b/b~e l~l an/d pe~a.l~l a r/0~und e fxf~a.c.~e |
eye w/(h)0n(e)d e're 'h0w' much em path ye t it makes to as st a (i) re at your se l-l-f- al-l- d-aye-g-0- al-l(-e)-0-d-(en)-e-w/-h-el-l- f/0re s0/m 0 t(h)er e a.s/t u`te t/with (y-0-u-r-e-)p.r.-0m-i-"c-"e- |
b ein (e)g0/n e w/(h)r/i~t e a.m. 0 tec~(h) ni c/all i. g.0/d
L~0ve i. g. = X = Le* X. (i(s)t(e) g.0/d (i/n) bi/n (e/a)r~ye w/(h)r~ink le ye s/e~t(h)a/ke & b~a( c )k~e |
ne't0/ne & d0~(0v)e |
t(f)ree ly e 2 (e)a. t/0ne t/0wn t re(a) p0(')se. g. a(i)n d' s.ea.t (e)0e s
there is no place in any city 2 x t0/0 city & face 2 face t0/0 le a.(s)se~t (h)'s p(L)ace, ne ve/in si`g. ni(g*hd) fi / t0/0~k p/l~ace
"it" is just vanity "t"re-ap-0's-ing-e- "race"-0-n-f-ace-
like "styling" took look like cleopatra that launched a "thou-s-an-d-s-h-ip-s-" virtuall-ye-s-eg- vert-u-all-ye-b-u/m- too-g-r-ea-s-e-e-d-r-e/a-d- f0r e s0/m e 0n e
why should "ew/e" c/are? b.c. you are s-(h)-it-ting- on me h/ea.d. 0 w/here i/t can't b re a.d. be's p0 ken (t)l ye in s/t e/a. d. e very e t(h)in g~e -&- you as/s-um-e- i h/ave nothing 2 give in value able sum t0 y0ur-0ne-&-be-g0t-ten's-um-e-ye-0n-e-. i am reg-u-arded a/s- t-0-ken-x's-end-'s-ex-'s-t/e- w/hat-e-ye-2-due-t-o/o-
"s0/me" people "like" this e.g.-a.m.-e- h/0-ne/st-l-ye-2-bi-t-eye-t0/0-th-e-re-lay-t-&-pic-k-up-d-ate-
p(l)ate/n/t p(l)at e
p(l)ate/n/t p(l)at e/n d's at last (r)ing i've~s et~h and
p(l)ate/n/t p(l)at e/n d's at last (r)ing i've~s et~h and*t r/e a.d. *dt by e the way = shitting to me t0 g0p~00 ping ab0ve & d0~0/ve g0 s~hi~t in the a.d ye l0~ve "just-like-competition-s-c0/re-b/0-und-
g0 shit in your e.g.(l)0ve t/wh0'~s (l)0~ve n l ye n0/ve t~g0/ve |
shit f/r0m s0vereign h~r/ig. ht = ab0/ve n/t 0ut a si`
ten 0/u g.(w/)h/0ve thanks rs~ your right on target to pl0p 0n tg~ravities c/ar~pet |
p-i.p-t-h-e/a.-t-e-r-e-"b/u/y/e" de-s/i-re-fi-re-
w/h~at is t(h)e b~ye b/b~a.c. k p(L)an~(t)e ve(i)n~ sPea.k/in~g
k~ no-t-s-0w-e-g-0/d-e- l-l-t/a- t-0/k-en-d- ata-p-p- f-l0-0d-it-w-it-h-"0"-w-at-t-a(-i-)re-c-redit-
you t(h)full bea.u t~ye ve(i)n'~s0w/e. g.0 all e